The mistake of Generalising

When someone has a problem or a difficult situation and is asked what’s wrong and they reply “everything” or “everyone”… This type of generalising makes things so much worse in our minds because of course, it can’t be everything or everyone. It’s a sign of being...


If you are fearful of something that hasn’t happened then you are simply predicting or guessing an outcome and suffering “fantasised fear” this means that you are frightened by the fear itself. The word fear is an extremely powerful word that scares us and...

15 Rules for an easier life

Make life easier by following these rules: 1. Don’t second guess ANY outcome because nothing ever happens the same twice 2. Let go of situations when you are powerless- you can’t change it 3. Know that no one is better than you and that you are not better...

Over -analysing and anxiety.

When we over analyse or overthink something with anxiety, we end up anticipating the worst or a negative outcome. When we do this, we are simply guessing or surmising an outcome which is almost always wrong. Doing this will cause nervousness, stress, and avoidance...

Avoiding avoidance

A common problem for anxiety sufferers is avoidance. Avoiding situations can feel like relief but this is a false belief as it will only be a temporary one and will make things worse in the long -run. Did you know? 1. When you use avoidance you strengthen the power of...