Over -analysing and anxiety.

When we over analyse or overthink something with anxiety, we end up anticipating the worst or a negative outcome. When we do this, we are simply guessing or surmising an outcome which is almost always wrong. Doing this will cause nervousness, stress, and avoidance...

Avoiding avoidance

A common problem for anxiety sufferers is avoidance. Avoiding situations can feel like relief but this is a false belief as it will only be a temporary one and will make things worse in the long -run. Did you know? 1. When you use avoidance you strengthen the power of...

Taking yourself too seriously.

Taking yourself too seriously is a problem for those suffering anxiety. Eric Byrne the Canadian psychologist who created Transactional Analysis as an explanation of human behaviour said that we are all made up of three parts, Parent Adult and Child. Most people...

Living in the present moment.

The “Present Moment” or the “Here and Now” is our true reality because the past has gone and the future has not happened. It is the only reality we have. To live in the present moment we must be completely submerged into what we are doing at that time. When you are...

Expectations, Selfishness, and happiness

Take a moment to think about those you know who are generally happier in life and less anxious…Have you noticed that those people have less expectation in themselves and others? When we focus purely on ourselves we become egocentric and selfish and this is a huge...

Anxiety in children

Anxiety in children can be biological, environmental and family caused. As we have previously discussed Child Anxiety disorder is a modern day epidemic that is on the increase and can be reduced just by changing the way we parent. Parents who have anxiety themselves...